Tonight, I sent the middle child up to take a shower and get ready for bed. I was a bit irritated at him for picking on his sister and making her scream for the past hour so he must have thought I meant he had to go straight to bed. At 6:30. He was crying in the show
er loud enough for the neighbors to hear I'm sure. I sent her up to tell him that he wasn't going to have to go to bed right now. It went like this
knock knock knock - BANG BANG BANG
her: I don't have to go to bed right now
him: "silence"
her: ok, bye now
A few days ago I was getting her ready for a bath when she decided to dig for gold. I asked her to go get a tissue instead of the more time saving method of eating it. Instead of taking the two steps to the toilet paper she wanders into my bedroom where a few seconds later I hear "Don't worry about it, I lost it" Please Lord, don't let her have lost it on my pillow!
Can you look at this without smiling?? I just love when she makes her own fashion statements.

ahhh yes, 4! I miss it sometimes! :) How cute is she BTW!
I love her
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