Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wii "Fit"

No, we have not yet located the actual game. I do get at least 2 text message alerts a day though...and in the 7.4 seconds it takes me to log in - they are already gone! But that is a whole other post....

We do have Wii Sports, of course. And to be quite honest the whole family has become addicted to it. Especially the Fit portion there that measures your Wii age. We are a pretty competitive family and enjoy doing our fit ages every day to see who can get the lowest score. Oh yeah, and we don't limit ourselves to our own Miis we use the ones sent to us by friends or that we have created for guest players in our home. Hey, we don't do anything half way! For those of you who have never played, Wii Sports has 5 sports; Tennis, Bowling, Boxing, Baseball & Golf. The Fit test chooses 3 variations of these to test your strength, speed and balance. The best age you can get is 20, the worst is 80. For the record I think I was 72 my first try. Don't tell anyone, ok??

Our 6 year old middle child is the best trash talker in the house. Tonight the Wii chose 2 Tennis and a bowling. Tennis is his worst sport. This starting a pleasant little whine-fest. I'd tell you how pitiful he did but he is my little love and I can't possible do that. When his score fell from 28 to 61 he ran screaming from the room, locked himself in the bathroom crying "why, why, WHYYYYYYY"

Who needs a silly balance board when you can have a Fit like that??


Niecy said...

LOL! Colton is too cute and I'm so glad you guys are enjoying it!

Babybear Scraps said...



(so glad to see you blogging again)