Friday, May 30, 2008

Vacation Destination

Today on the SSD blog they are challenging you to dream of your favorite vacation destination. I'm feeling a little bored and ho hum today so this seemed like a grand idea! I've always wanted to go to Ireland.

Back when I was younger, and perhaps dumber, my good friend Debbie and I thought we'd go on a bicycle tour of Ireland - from pub to pub. I'd still love to tour the pubs, I'm just thinking that perhaps it might be better done by car, or even on foot. I have what Justin recently referred to as a gravity challenged - and gravity usually wins!
Ahhh, just looking at these pictures is quite relaxing!


Niecy said...

OOoh! That sounds like fun!

Jilian said...

i know another place to go pub's closer and cheaper! ;)

Mary said...

Beautiful! It does look relaxing...